Saturday, June 30, 2007

sick of cornerstone

I'm really tired of the freaks that cornerstone brings in. I know they bring a lot of money in to the area, but a lot of them are just trash. They're loud, obnoxious, and pushy. Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, they can all go somewhere else.
Hiked around the lake today, I'll talk about it tomorrow.

Friday, June 22, 2007

we needed rain, but come on!

Wow! When they say it never rains but it pours, they mean here. Five inches in a couple of hours last night. I've never seen anything like it before around here. And they're calling for more tonight. In fact as I sit here it's starting up again.
This is the kind of thing I expect in the southwest this time of year, dry with deluges in between, not the midwest. Weather is really getting strange. At least my garden likes it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I officially have the job

Last night the city council approved me as the sewer plant supervisor, so it's official. I'm still not sure about it, though. It still keeps me awake some nights. I hope in a few months I'll get more used to it, and hopefully they will hire more people, so I'm not giving up.
It doesn't look like I'll get a huge raise, but I'll get something.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

They don't like natives

They tried to screw us again at the powwow for the ladies at the prison today. We got there, and the guards at the front told us they had no report that we were supposed to be there. They almost didn't let us in. We had a great time eventually, but this crap is really getting to me. They really don't want us in there.

Friday, June 15, 2007

I'm a supervisor

It's official, besides the city council vote monday, which is kind of in the bag.
I'm the boss.
Never been here before. Pray for me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

dry weather

We really need rain here, I'm having to water my garden almost every day. I hope it doesn't turn out like last year, when my tomatoes and peppers did poorly.
I had a formal interview for the supervisor job today, I think I got it, I should know tomorrow.
It really felt great to go to powwow over the weekend, I didn't realize how much I missed dancing. The trouble is, most of the local ones are going under, leaving not a whole lot of opportunity around here. If I get the job situation under control, I'm going to have to start traveling farther to powwows again. There's a number of good ones a ways off that I haven't been to in years.
For a report on the powwow I went to, follow the link to the Inali Dancers blog.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

promotion at last?

It looks like I may get the permanent promotion soon. They're advertising for the supervisor job in the other departments, which they have to do, but I am the only one in the city who meets the qualifications. It's a formality, but hopefully then they will offer it to me.
Her at home, my potatoes are finally coming up, and the rest of my garden is thriving. Maybe I inherited a little of my mother's green thumb after all.
I hope the Pimitoui powwow this weekend goes all right, I'm really ready for one.
Some of us from the drum went to the family gathering for Rich's father last friday, Rich seems to be doing as well as can be expected. I feel for him, I've been there.