great ski trip, tough week at work
I've been a while getting anything up, because I was on vacation skiing at
Breckenridge, Colorado, and when I got back, things started to fall apart at work. I've been totally exhausted for two weeks.
It's going to take a couple of posts to talk about the trip(I'm still to tired to do much at a time), but the place was bigger than any place I've skied before, and very popular with Europeans, Australians, and Asians.
First about work, it wasn't a people problem this time, just that a bunch of things went wrong at the same time. Before we could even get one thing fixed, two more went bad. Sometimes it happens that way, especially with systems as old as ours. Hopefully we're getting ahead of things now, so maybe I will have more energy.
I'll talk about the trip later (hopefully not too much later), but I will say that I'm sure (well, I think) I saw a well known actress in a bar there. If so, it's the first one I've seen at a ski area that I know about.
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