Tuesday, September 19, 2006

a good powwow

I know I said I will get back to finish my trip west, and I will ( it's only been a month, I have to stretch it out for what I can) but the powwow at 7 circles last weekend really made me feel good. There were a lot of people there! I mean a lot! The energy was fantastic, and I picked up on it, and WOW! My straight dance exhibition saturday night was one of the best I have ever done. I mean, I nailed it! Plus, a college girl asked me to show her how to rabbit dance, because she thought I was one of the better dancers there. I didn't say no!
There was one of the last WWII code talkers there, and he sang a Dine two step,I hadn't seen their version of the two step for years, but some people there seemed to know it.
What really made it great was how everyone came out to dance so much of the time, sometimes the circle was actually crowded, that doesn't happen often around here.
I don't really have a lot in my life to keep me going, but once in a while something like this comes along and makes it all seem worthwhile.


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